4 research outputs found

    Assessment Continued Professional Development (CPD) Through Mobile Phone In Teacher Working Group; Age Matter

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    The purpose of this research is to develop guides by the adoption process of mobile phone in teacher working group or “Kelompok Kerja Guru” (KKG) to assess continued professional development (CPD) context with surface, deep and implicit structures. The members of KKGs have disparities age between junior teacher, middle and senior teacher where they have advantages and drawbacks. A KKG provides workshops, training and discussions that are held each month. To enable and foster these activities across diverse communities, across urban, suburban and rural settings where they have intentions to help teachers improve their competences, KKGs use mobile phone platform (for example; WhatsApp, BBM, Line, Facebook, Twitter) to communicate and share ideas between group members. This study still ongoing through working closely with members (young and old) of KKGs to explore the benefits and drawbacks of a mobile learning approach to assess continued professional development context with surface, deep and implicit structures. The methodology of this study uses qualitative research with a case study based on the government project namely Program Peningkatan Kompetensi Pembelajaran (PKP) Berbasis Zonasi (initial in English; Zoning based Learning Competency Improvement Program) to extend through mobile phones in teacher working groups to complete High order thinking skill (HOTS). The project will take several weeks by observation on the mobile phone, semi-interview to find the aim of this study


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    The Open University Education Technology study program is in desperate need of a type of media that is able to provide maximum learning services to students. Therefore, a learning material product is needed to support these needs. Development research is needed for VR and AR-based learning materials to be realized. This research is a development research. The development model used refers to the ADDIE model (Analysis, Design, Develop, Implementation, and Evaluation). The choice of ADDIE model in this development research is based on several reasons, namely, this model is a procedural model, namely a model that is descriptive, showing clear and careful steps to produce the product. Study of competencies produce a competency map of the results of the study based on the principles of development of the field of study and the demands of educational technology expertise, especially Television Broadcasting Management. The results of the study of module materials found the existence of competency sequences that are not appropriate judging from the process or stages of Management. The results of this study showed that it is necessary to rearrange the competencies of Courses TPEN 4312 and the Television Broadcasting Management Module should be revised. Reconstructing the Practice Handbook as a handle for students to perform practical tasks and Develop more suitable practical tools based on the results of practical tasks. Article visualizations

    Elementary School Teachers' Readiness to Engage in Distance Learning and Training during the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    AbstractThe readiness of elementary school teachers during the COVID-19 pandemic to engage in distance learning is the basis for developing a training mode for teachers. This study aims to ensure the readiness of elementary school teachers to participate in distance learning and training during the COVID-19 pandemic. In this study, descriptive quantitative is used with online survey techniques. The research subjects were 85 elementary school teachers in Indonesia who voluntarily filled out a questionnaire. The data were collected through a questionnaire instrument with a Likert scale and open-ended questions. The data were analyzed by calculating the average of each item and making a percentage. Research findings indicate that 37.22% of the respondents were ready to engage in distance learning and training with a blended mode. They used various applications such as WhatsApp, Google Classroom, Google Form, and YouTube.Keywords: teachers’ readiness, elementary school, distance learning, training. AbstrakKesiapan guru SD di masa pandemi COVID-19 untuk mengikuti pembelajaran jarak jauh menjadi dasar pengembangan model pelatihan bagi guru. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memastikan kesiapan guru sekolah dasar untuk mengikuti pembelajaran dan pelatihan jarak jauh selama pandemi COVID-19. Dalam penelitian ini digunakan deskriptif kuantitatif dengan teknik survei online. Subyek penelitian adalah 85 guru sekolah dasar di Indonesia yang secara sukarela mengisi angket. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui instrumen angket dengan skala likert dan pertanyaan terbuka. Data dianalisis dengan menghitung rata-rata setiap item dan membuat persentase. Temuan penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 37,22% responden siap untuk terlibat dalam pembelajaran dan pelatihan jarak jauh dengan mode campuran. Mereka menggunakan berbagai aplikasi seperti WhatsApp, Google Classroom, Google Form, dan YouTube.Kata kunci: kesiapan guru, sekolah dasar, pembelajaran jarak jauh, pelatihan